is defined as painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another
along with the desire to possess that same advantage. It occurs when we lack a
desired attribute enjoyed by another. Envy requires two parties, like you and
that neighbour, when you want his/her new car and you wish you were the one
riding around with the top down. You feel envy when you want something someone
else has or posseses. Envy also need not always carry a negative connotation.
Envy can be used to indicate a desire to equal another in achievement or
excellence as in emulation. Note that emulation does not have any negative
connotations to it.
may occur as a result of enmity, pride, self-admiration, love of leadership or
impurity of the soul. Envy is an exceedingly powerful emotion. It can consume
us, distort our understanding and make us miserable. Envy has to do with
feeling unhappy about the success of someone else, or about what they have and,
at the same time, secretly feeling inferior yourself. Instead of finding
success for yourself or improving yourself, you may be envious and want what
another person has or find yourself wishing that the other person would lose
that quality or possession in order to make things seem fair.
can be envious of tangible and intangible things, including people's wealth,
their good looks and their innate intelligence. We can easily become envious of
the glamorous lifestyles of celebrities; even when those people have no regard
for what is right or wrong/good or bad. But even the rich and famous can and do
experience envy. Envy truly is a spiritual virus (because we can easily hide
it) that can affect all people: rich, poor, famous or obscure.
is an evil disease of the heart that leads to foul conduct and bad behaviour.
It is a terrible character flaw. Beware
of being an envious person. It is not good for you or your relationships.
Here's a quick test:
you genuinely congratulate those who succeed?
you feel good, bad or neutral about such people?
you worry that you may look bad in comparison?
you find yourself obsessing about another person's success?
you feel good when the other person fails?
you get upset when you don't get your own way?
test yourself: The next time someone else is given an opportunity or a blessing
that you wish was yours, how do you react? Do you murmur about it, or do you genuinely
celebrate with them? Are you filled with gratitude, or carping rivalry? Check
your inner mind.
So you don't like a person because he/she possesses something you imagine to be
good that you don't have? You feel 'sick' whenever you see him/her; hear people
talking about him/her or even when you think of him/her while you are alone.
This is because he/she is smarter or wealthier or more knowledgeable or
intelligent or virtuous than you are. And you are not able to appreciate
his/her unique talent or possession or popularity. And by your behaviour you
try to downgrade, avoid, or defame him/her, feel happy when he/she suffers a
loss or is in a lack or difficulty. But you hide this feeling inside yourself.
Do you know that this condition (ENVY) is a sickness of soul and heart and it
also harmful to your physical health.
of envy because there is a great price the envious always has to pay. This
price could have a physical, emotional and spiritual component. The price for
envy can be very costly! You would be amazed at what that tiny envy in your
heart towards your neighbour, family or friends can take out of you. Envy can
erode the blessings of the envious. If you do not want to lose your blessings,
etc., completely abstain from it.
is a dangerous and natural emotion that we are faced with each day. You can’t avoid it, but you can certainly
contain it. Yes! We’ve all have felt the emotion of envy before. It’s one the
most useless of human emotion I believe, yet we all fall prey to it from time
to time, some more than others. Friends, try your best not to feel envy, as
I’ve learned all too well that the grass is not always greener on someone
else’s lawn. One danger most people face is envy—wanting what others have. But
the good thing is to replace envy with peace of mind. Below are few things you
can do to reduce the envy you feel:
what makes you envious. See envy as data on what you value.
the circumstances and qualities in others that trigger your envy. Notice where
you feel insecure and lacking (e.g. skills, beauty, etc.).
focus on others - focus on improving yourself.
to improve yourself rather than do down others.
to delight in the good fortune of others.
your present self against your past self (not against others).
of being ungenerous towards yourself.
yourself, knowing yourself as human and equal.
even small wins and congratulate yourself.
most common form of coping with envy is, after recognizing it, taking a
philosophical approach that says something like 'This is silly. Life is too
short to waste my energy on this thing'.
sure that envy may raise its ugly head someday, but I’m hopeful that you’ll not
entertain it and that you will take up your sword to behead it. Envy is useless
and it has no place in your journey towards happiness and greater height. Life
is not about comparing yourself to others but rather knowing what each of us
can learn from one another. Envy can corrode the best of hearts. Be on the
lookout for it and do not give way to it. Not even an inch.
us rule over envy.
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